Mass Cell Culture

Greiner Bio-One, a technology partner for the diagnostic and pharmaceutical industry, presents CELLdisc, a new multilayer cell culture vessel that offers a growth area of up to one square metre for adherent mammalian cells on a minimal footprint. Its compact, robust and cylindrical design means CELLdisc is just as suited to smaller test series as it is for automation and the quantifiable scale-up of mass cell cultures in sizes of between 1,000 and 10,000 square centimetres.
Central ventilation
The innovative ergonomic design of CELLdisc significantly simplifies the cultivation of mammalian cells. Each unit is ventilated via a central gas channel which allows the media within to be either passively or actively gassed. Both incoming and exiting gas lines have integrated air filters which, along with an optimised surface treatment, combine to support maximum cell growth.
Fill, tilt and turn
The CELLdisc concept requires only a few steps to create a cell culture – fill with cell suspension, close the screw cap, tilt by 90 degrees and wait until the fluid has spread evenly. Then simply turn again by 90 degrees, straighten up and place in the incubator. The CELLdisc vessels are available with 4, 8, 16 or 40 layers.
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:לקבלת טופס הזמנה על המסך יש להקיש את הנתונים הבאים
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